Friday, May 1, 2009

GREAT Fridays!

I have always loved Fridays, but the last two have been extra special for our family. Last Friday after a great deal of prayer and preparation, Micah passed his last seminary qualifier exam - eight whole days before the deadline! Now he is a certified beginner in the study of the Old Testament, New Testament, and Christian Doctrine. Bring on Greek and Hebrew! I pray for continued stamina and wisdom for Micah as he has SO much more studying to do in the next few years.

As for this Friday, earlier tonight we signed a contract on our home! We took the for sale sign out of the yard, and are so thankful to be able to spend this weekend doing something other than getting ready for an open house. Farmer's Market, fishing, and baseball here we come! We pray that all goes well with the paperwork and closing details.

The move is only five short weeks away. Things are coming together, and our anxiety level is staying pretty low for now. Our next big project is packing. We pray for physical strength for that!

Blessings to you and yours.


Kim said...

Congratulations! What great news! Have a great time this weekend it sounds like you have some fun plans.


The Rays said...

Congrats on selling the house and passing the tests! Will keep you all in prayer that the next steps go smoothly. See you in about a month!